What people are saying...


About Asthma

“I came across my daughter’s inhalers when cleaning out a medicine cabinet in our closet. These are the inhalers that we kept in her backpack, in my purse, in my car, at home & at the nurse's office. These are the inhalers we were told we would have to keep handy for the rest of her life to keep her alive in the event she had an asthma attack - which she used to have a couple times a month & we would often end up in the doctor's office or ER so she could get breathing treatments. Anytime she was sick, she was getting the nebulizer multiple times each day. These are the inhalers that have all expired & we have not had to use or refill in almost FOUR YEARS.

I am not sure if I have ever been more thankful for Young Living than I am tonight. I am sure this sounds extreme, but that's ok because it's still true. It is NOT because the essential oils cured anything...it is because the company has such pure products that it was the catalyst I needed to rid our home of as many toxins as possible.

After I got rid of the scented candles, the plug ins, the room & fabric sprays...the fabric softener & other cleaners...her asthma just simply went away.

Am I making sense here? What I am saying is the oils did not cure her asthma - removing the CAUSES of it made the reactions to the toxins & household pollutants go away!.”

— K.G.


Supporting allergy symptoms

“I used to have the worst issues every spring and fall!! It was sometimes debilitating and would often cause me to have to stay indoors, even on the most beautiful days.

Since making so many healthy changes in my home and daily routine over the past couple of years, drinking NingXia Red daily, cleansing, reducing toxins, etc, my allergies have become a thing of the past. I haven’t had an attack in years!

Well on the sidelines of soccer practice this evening, I sneezed... and then sneezed again... and again... and again! I began frantically digging through my bag for a Thieves Cough Drop. I carry them with me always, because when I get an occasional tickle in my throat or have an occasional sneeze, they clear things right up. In between sneezes, with watery eyes and itchy throat, I found a cough drop in the hidden pocket of my wallet. I have never been so happy to see a cough drop! I popped it into my mouth and INSTANTLY all of my issues stopped. I don’t know what was up today... they must have fertilized the fields or something... who knows, but I was so grateful that it all went away so quickly that I almost cried!! I’ll be adding more of these babies to my next order! They saved me today!.”

— S.W.

Panic Attack

“So, I'm going to get a little personal here! This weekend I had what I think was a little slight panic "attack". I'm totally fine, nothing happened, but sometimes that happens randomly, out of no where, for no reason that I can think of! It's very rare now, but it comes with having a history of anxiety I think!

So, at the time, all I could actually do was get out an oil. We were not home and it was my only option. Peace & Calming was in my purse as it usually is, so I put it on and it helped me a lot!!! I was able to focus on other things again because I was relaxed!

I'm so very grateful for my oils! They support me when I need them. They don't cure things, but they help through tough situations all the time.”

— A.J.


That time of the month!

“I just need to give Progessence Plus a quick shoutout!

I used to get terrible cramps and moodiness during “that time of the month” and since I’ve been consistent with this, my symptoms are barely noticeable these days.

I pop a roller top onto mine to make it super easy to swipe on after I brush my teeth right before bed..”

— S.S.